Form of Government
The Realm of the Seven Ports is based on limited democratic republic. Each port is organized with the following government:
The council is made of the following groups:
- Seven families who founded the Realm of Seven Port. Each family has two voting members on the council
- The Dockworkers, Smiths, Cobblers, Masons, Merchants, and Tavern/Inn Keepers
- These guilds elect two representatives from amongst their numbers Wheelwrights, Brewers, Carpenters, Bakers, Cloth workers, and Barbers
- Four at large representatives elected by the people (representative cannot be part of a guild or have another family member sitting on council)
- Commander of the City Watch has a voice but no vote
- Each of the major temples has a representative and also has a voice but no vote
- City administrator has voice and no vote. City administrator is elected by the entire council, cannot be a member of the council, guild or a family member in one of the seven families.
Council has an executive group:
- President - elected by the seven families and a member of the seven families
- Vice-president - elected by the guilds
- Two members from the seven families
- One representative from the at large
- City administrator and commander are also members with a voice but no vote
Each port sends their Executive Council to the capital every two months for one week to conduct national business.