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Organizations: Aeguria Family

Created On Friday, 19 January 2018 18:49 By David Tannen

Name: Aeguria Family
Country: Realm of the Seven Ports
Location: Selixus

Aeguria Family has been part of the Seven Captains council for a little over one hundred years.  In the last few decades the family has been in decline and appears to be heading for a decadent end.  The previous leader of the family remarried almost immediately after his first wife died.  This is not that unusual, the woman he married was.  Almost nothing is known about Milinda Aeguria's history except that her husband meet her on a trip to Land of the Five Spices.  The forty year age gap was a scandal and the fact that he died almost 18 months after their marriage added to scandal.

Since his death four years ago Milinda Aeguria has taken full control over the family business and enjoys her seat at the Seven Captains council.

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