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Characters: Septimus Dartana

Created On Thursday, 03 January 2019 17:34 By David Tannen


Name: Septimus Dartana
Sex: Male
Race: Moche
Profession: Sword Master
Country: Realm of the Seven Ports
Location: Selixus
NPC: Yes

Age: Late Middle Age Adult
Height: Average
Hair: Bald
Eye Color: Black
Facial Shape: Chiselled
Distinguishing Features: Bronze bracers on his forearms

Septimus grew up in a lower class family.  In order to escape his station in life, he joined the Selixus military.  It turned out that he was a very good soldier.  He left the military after his first term of service (7 years).  He then joined a mercenary troop which allowed him to learn many martial skills.  This is when he really learned how to hone his martial skills.  Eventually the mercenary company was hired by the Thonnius Family.  The mercenary company worked for the Thonnius Family for two years.


During that time Septimus and Ciuso Thonnius became friends, which did cause Ciuso some grief with his family.


Septimus eventually left the mercenary company and went on his own.  At some point he decided to settle down and that is when he asked his his friend Ciuso Thonnius to get a job.


Last Updated On Saturday, 05 January 2019 05:27 By David Tannen
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