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Characters: Ciuso Thonnius

Created On Thursday, 18 January 2018 15:36 By David Tannen


Name: Ciuso Thonnius
Sex: Male
Race: Moche
Profession: "Retired" Patriarch of Thonnius Family
Country: Realm of the Seven Ports
Location: Selixus
NPC: Yes

Ciuso Thonnius dresses richly, but not ostentatiously, and carries a wooden case containing bills of sale and other paperwork. He has a sharp nose and a small chin.


Ciuso Thonnius recently retired from the family business (Thonnius Family).  He has kept his seat on the Seven Captains council. His son Justus is now responsible for running the family business. 

Ciuso is cool, calculating, and practical, and has a head for figures.


Last Updated On Friday, 21 December 2018 00:21 By David Tannen
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