List of Knowledge Skills
Learning – Being taught
- Learning a new skill is based on finding someone who can teach you. Familiarity (1pt) would take two weeks. To get the full skill (+2 pts in skill) will either take another two weeks or a successful base skill roll (8-) during an adventure.
Improving an existing skill is based one of the following:
- Successfully using the skill during an adventure
- Finding someone to teach you how to be better. They have to better at the skill than you are. The time to get better is 1 week.
Learning – Self Taught
It is possible to learn a new skill from a book. Self taught learning takes is based on the following time frames:
- 1 pt Familiarity takes 4 weeks to learn
- 2 pt Familiarity takes 3 weeks to learn
Improving an existing skill is based on the following
- Successfully using he skill during an adventure
- Finding a book that has more information that you do on a topic.
Modifying time to learn by using Books
The book has to appropriate for the subject. The book also has to have a skill greater than the players.
- Base Skill Roll for a book 11-
Book Modifier
- The text is easily readable -1 day & +1 skill roll
- The text has faded and is hard to read +2 days & -2 skill roll
- The penmanship is excellent -1 day & +1 skill roll
- The penmanship is acceptable 0 days & 0 skill roll
- The penmanship is poor +2 days & -2 skill roll
- Well researched material -1 day & +1 skill roll
- Partially researched material +1 day & -1 skill roll
- Poorly researched material +2 day & -2 skill roll
- The writing style is easy to read -1 day & +1 skill roll
- The writing style is hard to read +2 days & -2 skill roll
- The writing style is impossible to read. +5 days & -3 skill roll
- The author always stayed on on topic -1 day & +1 skill roll
- The author mostly stayed on on topic +1 day & -1 skill roll
- The author meandered on tangents and never stayed on on topic +10 days & -5 skill roll
A very good book will have a knowledge skill roll of 16-. A very poor book will have a knowledge skill roll of 3-. A very good book will reduce the time to learn the material by -5 days and a very poor book will increase the time by 23 days.
The normal maximum skill level is 13-. The cost of increasing past 13- is 2x the normal cost.