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Purpose of these rules

This is to encourage differentiation between the characters. Otherwise everyone’s character is going to end up with human maximum characteristics at some point in time, even though it doesn’t make sense.


Fighter type characters

  • Heavy fighters – These are the fighters who are very strong and can wade into a battle, absorb damage and dish it out. These would be classic knights or barbarian types.
    • STR, CON, BODY, STUN, PD, and ED can be at human maximums and in fact can be bought higher with GM approval
    • DEX can never be higher than 15
    • OCV/DCV can never be higher than 5 (size can allow a DCV to be higher than 5).
    • OMCV/DMCV can never be higher than 3
    • SPD can never be higher than 3
    • INT can never be higher than 15
    • EGO can never be higher than 13
    • Maximum OCV with skill levels and martial manoeuvres must be less than or equal to 8
    • Maximum DCV with skill levels, shield, and martial manoeuvres must be less than or equal to 9
    • Maximum DC with skills levels, strength, and martial manoeuvres must be less than or equal to 45 active points (3d6 KA)
  • Light fighters – These are the fighters who are very nimble and tend to prick and stick their opponents until their opponent bleeds out for being hit so often. Think Three Musketeers, Wesley or Inigo Montoya from the Princess Bride
    • STR, CON, & BODY can never be higher than 15
    • DEX can be at human maximum and in fact can be bought higher with GM approval
    • PD and ED can never be more than 5
    • OCV/DCV can never be higher than 7 (size can allow a DCV to be higher than 7).
    • SPD can be higher than 3
    • OMCV/DMCV can never be higher than 3
    • STUN can never be higher than 35
    • INT can never be higher than 15
    • EGO can never be higher than 13
    • Maximum OCV with skill levels and martial manoeuvres must be less than or equal to 9
    • Maximum DCV with skill levels, shield, and martial manoeuvres must be less than or equal to 10
    • Maximum DC with skills levels, strength, and martial manoeuvres must be less than or equal to 30 active points (2d6 KA)
  • Other types of fighters – archers, rangers and mixed kinds of fighters (thieves, bounty hunters, etc). These are fighters who can hold their own in a fight or are highly specialised in combat. There characteristics are dealt with on a case by case basis. Typically they are stuck with the worse of either the heavy or light fighters because they are not specialised.
    • DEX can never be higher than 15
    • OCV/DCV can never be higher than 5 (size can allow a DCV to be higher than 5).
    • OMCV/DMCV can never be higher than 3

Intelligence, Ego, PRE based Characters

  • STR, CON & BODY can never be higher than 13 unless discussed with the GM ahead of time. The absolute maximum is 15.
  • PD and ED can never be higher than 4
  • DEX can never be higher than 15
  • OCV/DCV can never be higher than 5 (size can allow a DCV to be higher than 5).
  • OMCV/DMCV can be higher than 3 (with justification and approval of the GM)
  • STUN can never be higher than 35
  • INT can be at human maximum and in fact can be bought higher with GM approval
  • EGO can be at human maximum and in fact can be bought higher with GM approval
  • Maximum OCV with skill levels and martial manoeuvres must be less than or equal to 7
  • Maximum DCV with skill levels, shield, and martial manoeuvres must be less than or equal to 8
  • Maximum DC with skills levels, strength, and martial manoeuvres must be less than or equal to 60 active points (4d6 KA)

Characters that use spells

  • END can be at human maximum
  • REC can be at human maximum

Improving characteristics

The big rule here is time and some ‘reasonable’ justification. An easy one is Eltrois a paladin type, could only afford a 15 STR when being created. The player states, “Eltrois is going to start weight training to build up his strength.” The GM says that over time Eltrois can have a STR of 20. The GM states that it will take 2 months to increase Eltrois’ strength to 20. The player starts setting aside points so when the 2 months are up Eltrois has a 20 strength.


The distance documented here are combat movement rates.
NOTE: If your character sold back some running, swimming or leaping, you can only increase these by 25% of what your character started out as. So Raganash, a dwarf has 10m of running. The fastest he can ever run is 13m.

  1. Running – Starts at 12m and can be as high as 20m. No justification beyond some general training (running sprints and distances) is required to move running from 12m to 16m. After 16m there needs to be an explanation why the character can run that fast. 20m is Olympic sprinter level running.
  2. Swimming – Starts at 4m and can be as high as 10m. Swimming fast requires justification. 10m is Olympic sprint swimming capability.
  3. Leaping – See swimming.

David Tannen

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