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Travel Times

Terrain Impact on Travel

A positive impact will increase the distance by the percentage indicated which can be traveled in a single day. A negative impact will decrease the distance by the percentage indicated which can be traveled in a single day. For instance when moving on a road through cultivated farmlands, the distance which can be traveled will increase by 25%. But if traveling through mountainous jungle, the distance which can be traveled will be reduced by 90%. Terrain impact is 'stepped' -90%, -75%, -50%, -25%, -10%, 0, and +25%

Terrain With Road With Trail None
Badlands / Broken Lands / Cactus N/A -10% -25%
Cultivated Farmland / Grazing Land 25% 0% -10%
Forested or Jungle Mountains -25% -75% -90%
Grassland Poor / Shrubland 25% 0% -25%
Forested or Jungle Hills -10% -25% -50%
Forest or Jungle -10% -50% -75%

Types of Transportation

Type of Transportation Notes Speed Average
Walking Maximum Distance is a forced march that lasts 10 hours.
Terrain impact #1.
3 mph 24 40
Pack Mule Can carry up to 150 lbs.
Requires grain to remain in best condition.
Maximum Distance is a forced march that lasts 10 hours.
Terrain impact #2.
3 mph 24 30
Horse Can carry 100 lbs and rider
Requires grain to remain in best condition.
Maximum Distance is a forced march that lasts 10 hours and the horse will be exhausted for a number of days. A horse can only gallop over level and relatively clear terrain.
Terrain impact #3.
Walk: 4 mph
Trot: 10 mph
Gallop: 40 mph
40 80
Wagon, Oxen Maximum Distance is a forced march that lasts 10 hours. Oxen can be pushed this hard for 2 or 3 days before becoming completely exhausted.
Terrain impact #4.
1 or 2 mph 10 15
Wagon, Mule Requires grain to remain in best condition.
Maximum Distance is a forced march that lasts 10 hours and the mule will be exhausted for a number of days.
Terrain impact #5.
2 or 3 mph 20 25
Wagon, Horse Requires grain to remain in best condition.
Maximum Distance is a forced march that lasts 10 hours and the horse will be exhausted for a number of days.
Terrain impact #5.
2 or 3 mph 20 25
Stagecoach Requires road. Distances are based on travelling 24 hours per day. 12 mph 100 150
Barge A barge on most rivers in are rowed or poled. Sometimes if the river is wide enough they will use sails. Depending on the time of year a barge will travel between 8 to 12 hours in a day.

Upstream Speed - 3 mph

Downstream Speed - 5 mph


Upstream - 24

Downstream - 40
Upstream - 36
Downstream - 60
Knarr Cargo Ship

A longboat, typically equipped with a sail and oars.  It can carry up to 24 tons of cargo. 

Usually 8 to 12 hours of time is actually spend navigating

Sail speed

  • Upstream - 6 mph
  • Downstream - 15 mph

Rowing speed

  • Upstream - 4 mph
  • Downstream - 6 mph


  • Upstream - 48
  • Downstream - 120


  • Upstream - 32
  • Downstream - 48


  • Upstream - 72
  • Downstream - 180


  • Upstream - 48
  • Downstream - 72

These ships are only found during the Dark Ages and only found in regions controlled by Realm of the Seven Ports. They were used along rivers and inland fresh water seas.

Usually 10 to 12 hours of time is actually spend navigating

  • Upstream - 8 mph
  • Downstream - 12 mph
  • Upstream - 80
  • Downstream - 120
  • Upstream - 96
  • Downstream - 144





































Type of Transportation and Terrain

  1. When walking the negative impacts for various types of terrain are somewhat negated. This is reflected by reducing the terrain impact by one step.
  2. Mules are very surefooted which negates some of the impact when moving through hills and mountains. This is reflected by reducing the terrain impact by one step.
  3. Horses have a harder time in certain terrains, especially hills and mountains where there are no trails or roads. This is reflected by increasing the terrain impact by one step.
  4. Ox drawn wagons can make progress in all terrains except for mountains where there are no trails or roads.
  5. Mule and horse drawn wagons can not make progress in mountainous or hilly terrain where there are no roads or trails.

David Tannen

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