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Name Country Type of Population
Sabia Realm of the Seven Ports Village 200
Marsia Realm of the Seven Ports Village 350
Canatha Realm of the Seven Ports Town 10,000
Village of Vetii Realm of the Seven Ports Village 250
Ostium Realm of the Seven Ports Village 525
Scupi Realm of the Seven Ports Town 7,500
Village of Sela Realm of the Seven Ports Village 275
Village Of Masus Realm of the Seven Ports Village 100
Village Of Papenio Realm of the Seven Ports Village 300
Village of Lilo Realm of the Seven Ports Village 250
Village of Ballia Realm of the Seven Ports Village 250
Tenedo Land of the Twin Bighorns Town 1500
Tenedo - Walled Land of the Twin Bighorns Town 750
Tenedo - North Market District Land of the Twin Bighorns Town 250
Tenedo - South Market District Land of the Twin Bighorns Town 300
Petus Land of the Twin Bighorns Village 150
Petus Walled Land of the Twin Bighorns Village 150
Divio Land of the Twin Bighorns Village 150
Divio - Walled Land of the Twin Bighorns Village 150
Village of Naissus Land of the Twin Bighorns Village 500
Village of Balli Land of the Twin Bighorns Village 150
Village of Stobi Land of the Twin Bighorns Village 250
Village of Capua Land of the Twin Bighorns Village 250
Village of Volubilis Land of the Twin Bighorns Village 350
Caius Land of the Twin Bighorns Village 250
Village of Oppia Land of the Twin Bighorns Village 150
Brunius Kingdom of Rogues Town 2500
Tulla Kingdom of Rogues Town 1200
Nursia Kingdom of Rogues Village 250
Savo Kingdom of Rogues Village 150
Alaeno Kingdom of Rogues Village 300
Cero Kingdom of Rogues Village 200
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