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Label Name Type of Country Settlement District Neighborhood Shop Quality
TAI33 Tailor Tailor Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Low
TAI28 Tailor Tailor Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Medium
TAI26 Tailor Tailor Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average High
TAI25 Tailor Tailor Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class Low
TAI23 Tailor Tailor Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Medium
TAI22 Tailor Tailor Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Medium
TAI21 Tailor Tailor Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Medium
TAI20 Tailor Tailor Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average High
TAI19 Tailor Tailor Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class High
TAI17 Tailor Tailor Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class Medium
TAI16 Tailor Tailor Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Low
TAI14 Tailor Tailor Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Low
TAI12 Tailor Tailor Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Medium
TAI11 Tailor Tailor Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Medium
TAI1 Tailor Tailor Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class Medium
TAV15 Accepting Tavern Tavern Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average High
TAV19 Beautiful Oak Tavern Tavern Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average High
TAV4 Flag Tavern Tavern Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Medium
TAV22 Hound Tavern Tavern Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Medium
TAV24 House of Roast Chicken Tavern Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class Medium
TAV5 House of Roast Pheasants Tavern Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Poor Low
TAV10 Laughing Heron Tavern Tavern Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class High
TAV13 Raven Tavern Tavern Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class Medium
TAV2 Rolling Coin Tavern Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class Medium
TAV14 The Cloak and Ale Tavern Tavern Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class Medium
TAV9 The Oaken Cask Tavern Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class Medium
TAV23 Tiger Tavern Tavern Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class Medium
TAV7 Willow Tavern Tavern Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class Medium
TEM01 Halea Temple Temple Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class Low
TEM02 Temple to Sarajin Temple Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class Medium
WEA4 Bone and Dagger Weaponsmith Weaponsmith Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Low
WEA2 Falling Star Weaponsmiths Weaponsmith Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average High
WEA3 Hammers Weaponsmith Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Medium
WEA1 Keito Swordsmith Weaponsmith Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Medium
WIN3 Wineseller Wineseller Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Medium
WIN4 Wineseller Wineseller Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Medium
WIN9 Wineseller Wineseller Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class Low
WOO3 Woodseller Woodseller Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Medium
BAK1 Baker Baker Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Outside City Walls Average Medium
BAK10 Baker Baker Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Outside City Walls Average Low
BAK11 Baker Baker Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Outside City Walls Average Medium
BAK2 Baker Baker Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Outside City Walls Upper Class Low
BAK4 Baker Baker Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Outside City Walls Average Medium
BAK5 Baker Baker Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Outside City Walls Poor Medium
BAK7 Baker Baker Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Outside City Walls Average Low
BAR10 Barber Barber Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Outside City Walls Poor Medium
BAR11 Barber Barber Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Outside City Walls Average Medium
BAR13 Barber Barber Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Outside City Walls Poor High
BAR14 Barber Barber Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Outside City Walls Ghetto Low
BAR15 Barber Barber Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Outside City Walls Poor Medium
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