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Label Name Type of Country Settlement District Neighborhood Shop Quality
ACA01 Canatha Academy Academy Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class Medium
ALC01 Haldrith's Apothecary Alchemist Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class Medium
ARM03 Corcius and Sons Armory Armorer Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Medium
ARM01 Hioki and Nayoko Ltd Armorer Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Medium
ARM02 Konrjar Armory Armorer Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Low
BAK12 Baker Baker Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Medium
BAK3 Baker Baker Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class High
BAK6 Baker Baker Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class Medium
BAK8 Baker Baker Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Medium
BAK9 Baker Baker Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Medium
BAR1 Barber Barber Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Poor Medium
BAR12 Barber Barber Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Poor Low
BAR3 Barber Barber Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Poor Medium
BAR5 Barber Barber Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Medium
BLA5 Maelstrom Ltd Black-Market Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average High
BLA3 Blacksmith Blacksmith Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class High
BLA6 Blacksmith Blacksmith Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class Medium
BOO01 Dreamers Books Bookseller Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Medium
BOO02 Maelstrom's Bookstore Bookseller Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class High
BOO03 Sovunus and Son Book Emporium Bookseller Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class High
BRE7 Brewery Brewery Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Medium
BRE6 Brewery Brewery Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Medium
BRE3 Brewery Brewery Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class High
BRE1 Brewery Brewery Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Ghetto Medium
BRO4 The Glimmeric Brothel Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class Medium
BRO6 The Sun & Cider Brothel Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class Medium
BRO7 The Thrusting Gentleman Brothel Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class High
BUC2 Buckle-Maker Buckle-Maker Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class Medium
BUT6 Butcher Butcher Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class Medium
BUT5 Butcher Butcher Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class High
COO8 Cooper Cooper Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class High
COO7 Cooper Cooper Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class Medium
COO4 Cooper Cooper Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class High
COO3 Cooper Cooper Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class Medium
COO13 Cooper Cooper Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class High
COO10 Cooper Cooper Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class High
DOC3 Doctor Doctor Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class High
DOC2 Doctor Doctor Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Poor Medium
DOC1 Doctor Doctor Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class High
DOC1 Doctor Doctor Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Medium
GRA4 Granary Granary Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class Medium
GRA3 Granary Granary Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class Medium
GRA2 Granary Granary Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class Low
GRA1 Granary Granary Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class Medium
HAT9 Hatmaker Hatmaker Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Poor Medium
HAT6 Hatmaker Hatmaker Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Medium
HAT5 Hatmaker Hatmaker Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class High
HAT4 Hatmaker Hatmaker Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Upper Class Medium
HAT3 Hatmaker Hatmaker Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Medium
HAT2 Hatmaker Hatmaker Realm of the Seven Ports Canatha Inside City Walls Average Medium
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