Characters: Heca Aemillivia
Created On Saturday, 10 December 2022 18:14 By David Tannen
Appearance Age: Young Adult
Background Heca Aemillivia was born in Village of Stobi and followed her father's career into the village guard. Because Village of Stobi is on the frontier it is well fortified and has a large village contingent of guards. Her father was injured eight years ago in a patrol. The Stobi family did take care of his father but when he healed, he was let go from the guard. He has struggled ever since. Heca Aemillivia is angry that her father's loyal service wasn't rewarded in some way. Because of this she has joined Forgotten Children of Dux Varus to help overthrow the current regime. |
Last Updated On Saturday, 17 December 2022 23:00 By David Tannen