Almost every Hallstatt merchant uses magic to improve their ability to trade. Hallstatt magic is closely associated with Halea - Unchaste Mistress of Golden Bargains. Other Nyonians see Hallstatt merchants as thieves because a Hallstatt merchant able to sell almost anything to anyone. A Hallstatt merchant can also encourage almost anyone to buy anything at whatever price they decide to set the price at.
Belzorath’s Dominion of the Mind
Belzorath’s Invocation of the perfect gift
Benthara’s Spell of Bliss and Despair
Benthara’s Spell of Consumption
Benthara’s Mindreading
Prismatic Blast
Sigard’s Spell of Varying Visage
Sigard’s Spell of the Diverse Self
Sigard’s Spell of the Iron Mind
Clean Shop
Evaluate Goods
Guild Skills
Song of the Marketplace
Detect Lie
Detect Illusion
Game Mechanics for Magic