Major Events during the Dark Ages
Dark Ages Dates | Description | Overall Dates |
20 | War of conquest; started by the Province of the Wildlings vs. Ghidorah | 5998 |
80 | War because of Religion; started by the Scipion Empire | 5938 |
90 | Province of the Wildlings falls | 5928 |
330 | Colonization by the Realm of Quintus | 5688 |
370 | Magical Discovery by the Realm of the Buffalo | 5648 |
470 | War based on racial hatred; started by Realm of Steel and the Three Gems against the Elioud | 5548 |
475 | War because of Religion; started by the Realm of Quintus | 5543 |
480 | Ainu caused Cataclysmic Event | 5538 |
505 | Crop failure spreads across kingdom. 20 % of people died. | 5513 |
535 | Pestilence spreads across continent. 17 % of people died. | 5483 |
560 | Divine Cataclysmic Event | 5458 |
620 | Pestilence spreads across countryside. 24 % of people died. | 5398 |
780 | War of epic proportions and has world wide impact; started by the Realm of Quintus | 5238 |
958 | War because of Religion; started by the Scipion Empire | 5060 |
960 | Divine Cataclysmic Event - Ilvir creates Gargun | 5058 |
1060 | Scipion Empire falls | 4958 |
1100 | War of conquest; started by the Country of Kerala | 4918 |
1130 | The Scipion Empire rises | 4888 |
1160 | Crop failure spreads across the kingdom. 11 % of people died. | 4858 |
1165 | Powerful Religion falls | 4853 |
1265 | War based on racial hatred; started by the Realm of the Buffalo against the Gargun | 4753 |
1315 | Crop failure spreads worldwide. 18 % of people died. | 4703 |
1325 | Pestilence spreads across kingdom. 14 % of people died. | 4693 |
1335 | Crop failure spreads across countryside. 24 % of people died. | 4683 |
1355 | War of epic proportions and has worldwide impact; started by Gargun swarms | 4663 |
1595 | The Realm of Quintus falls | 4423 |
1720 | End of Age | 4298 |