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Dark Ages

Major Events during the Dark Ages

Dark Ages Dates Description Overall Dates
20 War of conquest; started by the Province of the Wildlings vs. Ghidorah 5998
80 War because of Religion; started by the Scipion Empire 5938
90 Province of the Wildlings falls 5928
330 Colonization by the Realm of Quintus 5688
370 Magical Discovery by the Realm of the Buffalo 5648
470 War based on racial hatred; started by Realm of Steel and the Three Gems against the Elioud 5548
475 War because of Religion; started by the Realm of Quintus 5543
480 Ainu caused Cataclysmic Event 5538
505 Crop failure spreads across kingdom. 20 % of people died. 5513
535 Pestilence spreads across continent. 17 % of people died. 5483
560 Divine Cataclysmic Event 5458
620 Pestilence spreads across countryside. 24 % of people died. 5398
780 War of epic proportions and has world wide impact; started by the Realm of Quintus 5238
958 War because of Religion; started by the Scipion Empire 5060
960 Divine Cataclysmic Event - Ilvir creates Gargun 5058
1060 Scipion Empire falls 4958
1100 War of conquest; started by the Country of Kerala 4918
1130 The Scipion Empire rises 4888
1160 Crop failure spreads across the kingdom. 11 % of people died. 4858
1165 Powerful Religion falls 4853
1265 War based on racial hatred; started by the Realm of the Buffalo against the Gargun 4753
1315 Crop failure spreads worldwide. 18 % of people died. 4703
1325 Pestilence spreads across kingdom. 14 % of people died. 4693
1335 Crop failure spreads across countryside. 24 % of people died. 4683
1355 War of epic proportions and has worldwide impact; started by Gargun swarms 4663
1595 The Realm of Quintus falls 4423
1720 End of Age 4298


David Tannen

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