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Age of the Accursed Nights

Major Events during the Age of the Accursed Nights

Age of the Accursed Nights Dates Description Overall Date
20 War of epic proportions and has world wide impact; started by Realm of Steel and the Three Gems with Elioud 9110
30 Pestilence spreads across kingdom. 16 % of people died. 9100
350 War of conquest; started by Realm of Steel and the Three Gems against the Elioud 8780
390 Pestilence spreads world-wide. 21 % of people died. 8740
400 War of conquest; started by the Empire of the Oran against the Wangai 8730
410 Ghidorah Empire rises 8720
580 Pestilence spreads across countryside. 14 % of people died. 8550
600 Magical Cataclysmic Event caused by Elioud 8530
600 Arrival of Samara 8530
600 Crop failure spreads across continent. 5 % of people died. 8530
610 Migration of Elioud 8520
620 Crop failure spreads across kingdom. 27 % of people died. 8510
720 War based on racial hatred; started by Realm of Steel and the Three Gems against the Elioud 8410
945 Crop failure spreads across Empire of the Oran. 25 % of people died. 8185
947 Pestilence spreads across Empire of the Oran. 17 % of people died. 8183
952 Migration by the Realm of the Buffalo 8178
954 Pestilence spreads across Empire of the Oran. 12 % of people died. 8176
959 Empire of the Oran falls 8171
979 Pestilence spreads across continent. 11 % of people died. 8151
1099 War based on racial hatred; started by Elioud against the Realm of Steel and the Three Gems 8031
1109 Crop failure spreads across countryside. 25 % of people died. 8021
1169 Realm of Steel and the Three Gems falls 7961
1319 Pestilence spreads across continent. 14 % of people died. 7811
1339 Divine Cataclysmic Event 7791
1339 Arrival of Easterlings 7791


David Tannen

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