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Age of Legends

Major Events during the Age of Legends

Age of Legends Date Description Overall Date
0 Age of Legends 13895
350 Migration of Ghidorah 13545
445 Migration of Berroc 13450
450 Migration of Ghidorah 13445
450 Exploration by Elioud 13445
500 Magical Discovery by Ghidorah 13395
510 Ghidorah Empire rises 13385
520 Exploration by Ghidorah 13375
540 Exploration by Ghidorah 13355
720 Magical Discovery by Ghidorah 13175
740 Exploration by Elioud 13155
940 Magical Discovery by Elioud 12955
1120 Magical Discovery by Berroc 12775
1440 War of conquest; started by Elioud against the Berroc 12455
1440 Magical Discovery by Berroc 12775
2500 Exploration by Elioud 11715
2670 Migration of Elioud 11545
2690 War of epic proportions and has world wide impact; started by Ghidorah against the Elioud and Berroc 11525
2920 Ghidorah Empire falls 11275
2920 Arrival of Koori 11275


David Tannen

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